The Zookeeper's Son
Acrylic paint and blue ink
Displayed in Senior Showcase "Vivarium" at Booker T. Washington HSPVA
Displayed in the Dallas Museum of Art.
(Prints for sale)

Decomposing Mr. Treehouse
About a year's worth of meditative ink drawings on bristol board using a single crow quill pen.
(Prints for sale)

Diptych self-portrait using ink, pencil, and acrylic paint on two bristol boards (24"x36" each, 48"x36" as a complete piece). Made for a drawing II assignment about "inside vs. outside."
Fall 2014
Abstract portrait of mental illness for Drawing II class
Mixed media
Dry Water
For Water class at MICA
House paints
September 2015

Oil paint, colored ink, paint markers, pencil, house paint, and other media on canvas.
Part of my lampshade-head series
Spring 2016
Only That Which Makes Me Thirsty
Colored inks on bristol board
Fall, 2014

December 2014

Into The Wild
Pattern for Illustration class based on the prompt "into the wild"
Fall 2015

Mechanical pencils, india ink, and colored pencil
Spring 2014

Ink and colored pencil
Fall 2014

Face Color
Digital manipulation of a black and white ink drawing, printed and then drawn on top of with ink and colored pencil, and reductively shaded with and X-acto blade.
Spring 2014
(Prints for sale)
Gargantuan Sneeze
Acrylic paint applied through compression, with blue ink overlay

The Boy Who Went Forth to Learn What Fear Was
From a series of illustrations based on the Grimm's fairy tale by the same title.
Digital, 2016

The Bell Tower
From the same series of illustrations.
Digital, 2016

Light City Reportage Pt. 1
Spring 2016
Sophomore Illustration 2

Light City Reportage pt 2
Spring 2016
Sophomore Illustration 2

Light City Reportage pt 3
Spring 2016
Sophoore Illustration 2

Last Soda
A 3-layer screen print/1-page gag comic
Spring 2016
Sophomore Illustration 2

Parallel Flows
Colored inks, brushes, and nib pens
Spring 2016
Sophomore Illustration 2

Ink and white out drawing/fingerpainting
Summer 2015

All Hallow's Eve
Charcoal, ink and acrylic paint
Halloween, 2014

Little Red Riding Helmet
Ink and acrylic paint
Spring 2015
Digital manipulation of black and white ink drawing, printed and then colored with colored pencils.
Oil paint figure drawing gesture
Spring 2015

Secret Kitchen
Watercolor/mixed media

Shadow Puppets
Mixed media popup book
November 2015
Drinking Tea With Royalty
Ink, marker, and paint pens on bristol board with retractive drawings on black paper, sewn into the piece
Mute Point

Three Gorges
India ink and nib pens
Fall 2013
India ink and mechanical pencil on bristol board.
Spring 2014

Untitled Self Portrait
Oil painting using only red, yellow, and blue oil paints (no white)

Seaweed Girl
Acrylic painting

Proving Grounds
Acrylic painting at the Kansas City Art Institute for summer pre-college program

The Age of Crowds
Acrylic painting on a friend's wall

Where Do You See Yourself
Ink and microns on bristol, created while at the California College of Arts.
Summer, 2013

"They're Made Out Of Meat"
Based on a Nebula Award-nominated short by Terry Bison of the same title, done for a sophomore illustration class
Ink, markers, colored pencil on bristol
Spring 2016